Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Being rejected...I'll admit it. It hurts. The hardest thing about it is that you can't ever get closure because the end all be all is that in some way, you fell short of someone's expectations. In relationships, these expectations are commonly called..."THE LIST". The one that every single college student has of their future spouse. I'm not excluded from this. What's interesting is that when I found someone who looked perfect on paper, the real life person wasn't perfect for me. But how could this be??? I was so sure the Ken doll on my list would be the perfect match for me and we would live happily ever after!? HA. Welp. Here's the catch: Ken didn't want me. Lesson learned: I'm not Barbie. I'm not perfect. If a Ken doll can't accept less than perfection then he's S.O.L.  So I don't even want a relationship right now let alone a relationship with a Ken. I thought that having high standards was a good thing (and it may still be) but what I thought was perfection turned out to be nothing more than the biggest disappointment I've ever experienced. I had forgotten that perfection is unattainable and I realized that the only one who has the ability to match me up with the perfect spouse isn't me and my checklist, but God and His plan. As terrible as it felt to have someone tell me that I didn't make the cut, imagine how terrible Jesus felt on the cross. He was crucified and rejected by the very ones He loved and was litteraly being slaughtered for. That's real heartbreak. That is a pain no one on earth will ever experience. My brain can't wrap itself around "agape": God's selfless love. Isaiah 53:3 says: "He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering." I can't believe I actually felt sorry for myself and thought that I was alone in this feeling. I find comfort in the fact that I never have to be afraid of being rejected by the savior of my soul; Jesus Christ. When I tell Him I've been rejected and I'm in pain He's probably saying "I know EXACLTY how you feel times a million!" If He was here in physical form He would be holding me in His lap, like the daughter of His that I am and would patiently listen to me vent about how unfair this world is and how stressed I am about finals coming up and all the petty things I like to worry about on a daily basis. SO. Have a fear of being rejected? DON'T. No one can ever reject you the way that we have rejected Jesus and consequently, no one understands the pains of this life better than Him. Trust Him with your heartache, worry, stresses, problems, and "THE LIST". I'm giving Him my list because it obviously wasn't the outline of the man He has for me. Believe it or not, He understands everything that you feel. He's here to listen, confide in, and to trust. Make sure you aren't rejecting the one who will never reject you. <3       

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